Booking a flight
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Booking a flight
We know what you are about to ask and we have you covered.
How do I get my boarding pass?
Your boarding pass will be available when you check-in online or in-person. You can check-in within 24 hours and up to 1 hour before your flight with your r...
How do I change my account information?
Update your account details like name, phone number or address, anytime by following these steps: Select sign in from the menu bar. Click the edit ico...
Can I book a flight at the airport in person?
We don't offer bookings at the airport at this time. Visit us at for all our routes. They are up-to-date and looking great!
At what age can children travel alone?
A child must be at least 12 years old to travel alone. Swoop does not accept unaccompanied minors for travel. Click here for more information.
When is the best time to book a flight?
In general, the earlier you book the better. While we can't guarantee prices, they do tend to go up as departure dates get closer (especially over holi...
I need to book more people than the seat availability is displaying (ex. I need to book four people and it only shows three seats left)- help!
Our flight prices display the number of tickets remaining when there are six seats or less at a certain price. As flights fill up or get closer to departure...
I want to book a flight but can't find the dates or routes I want.
All routes and dates listed on the website are active. If you cannot find a date or destination, the route may be seasonal or discontinued. We suggest signi...
Do you offer compassionate, funeral, or bereavement fares?
In order to have competitive fare pricing to travellers we do not offer discounted or special fares for illness, death, bereavement or other unforeseen circ...