If you have added ModiFly at the time of your booking you can change the time or date of your flight once. Otherwise, flight changes are subject to a change fee. More details regarding the ModiFly product are available here.  

For changes being made three days (72 hours) or more from departure, and less than seven days from departure, changes incur a fee of $150 per passenger per segment not including taxes. For changes being made seven days (168 hours) or more from departure, changes incur a fee of $100 per passenger per segment. No changes are permitted less than three days (72 hours) prior to departure. Change fees are non-refundable. 

No cancellations are permitted except within 24 hours of making the booking, as long as it is more than seven days from departure. Additionally, tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable. This helps us follow our ultra-low cost business model.

If any fare difference exists between the originally purchased flight and the new flight selected, the following may apply:

  • If the fare on the new flight is higher than the fare paid at the time of booking, travellers must pay the difference in fare.

  • No credit or refund will be issued if the fare on the new flight is lower than the fare paid at the time of booking.

  • The new flight must be confirmed at the time of redemption for all travellers.

Optional Swoop extras purchased at the time of booking such as seat selection, checked baggage, carry-on baggage and advanced boarding will transfer to the new flight if available. For more information, see the travel terms and conditions.

Changes are available for self-service by logging in here