Delayed baggage must be reported to Swoop within 21 days of your flight’s arrival. A Swoop representative, at the airport, will create a delayed baggage report for you that will include your contact information and a description of your baggage and its contents to assist in the search. Please ensure you speak to an agent at the airport before you leave.
Once the report has been completed, a Swoop airport representative will advise you of the next steps and work with you to locate your baggage. If your baggage is not recovered within five days, our Central Baggage team will take over the search. If you have waited five (5) days and have not been contacted, please email our Central Baggage team to begin a claim. Please ensure you choose ‘post flight’ and ‘lost/found/delayed item’ to be routed to the correct team and avoid further delay.
If you discover items are missing from your baggage, this must be reported to a Swoop airport representative immediately before you leave the airport. A report must be created within 21 days of your flight’s arrival.