Looking to travel with peace of mind? Add Modifly for only $15 to your booking for a limited time for the flexibility to make a one-time change of date and/or time to your flight. Changes cannot be made to names, locations, or used for cancellations. You must add ModiFly during initial booking more than 14 days before departure.
ModiFly can be redeemed through Manage My Booking - login using your reservation code and last name up to 24 hours prior to departure of the original flight.
If any fare difference exists between the originally purchased flight and the new flight selected, the following may apply:
If the fare on the new flight is higher than the fare paid at the time of booking, travellers must pay the difference in fare.
No credit or refund will be issued if the fare on the new flight is lower than the fare paid at the time of booking.
The new flight must be confirmed at the time of redemption for all travellers.
Optional Swoop extras purchased at the time of booking such as seat selection, checked baggage, carry-on baggage and advanced boarding will transfer to the new flight if available. For more information, see the travel terms and conditions.
For travellers who have purchased a seat for an infant, all ModiFly terms apply for the infant's seat. ModiFly cannot be redeemed should the infant capacity limit be reached on the new flight.