Need an extra hand? Travellers who require special assistance are encouraged to arrive at the airport at least three (3) hours prior to their flight’s departure time. Travellers can present themselves at the check-in counter to request assistance with:
Checking in;
Boarding and deplaning;
Transferring between the person’s own wheelchair, scooter or other mobility aid and a wheelchair, boarding chair or other mobility aid provided by the air carrier;
Transferring between a wheelchair, boarding chair or other mobility aid and the person’s passenger seat;
Moving to and from an aircraft washroom, including assistance in using an on-board wheelchair where one is available. For use of this service the Traveller must be able to stand, weight bear, and pivot or turn.
Retrieving baggage at the baggage carousel or onboard;
Proceeding to the general public area or, where a person is changing to a flight of another air carrier within the same terminal, to a representative of the receiving air carrier.
There are a few things we can’t assist with, including:
Help eating, drinking or taking medication.
Assistance into or in the restrooms or any other form of personal assistance.
Buckling your seatbelt.
Travellers with a disability who are travelling alone must be able to perform these actions independently during travel, without outside help.
Travellers with developmental, cognitive, behavioral or psychiatric conditions must also be able to receive and understand the cabin crew’s safety instructions during the flight. If you require more specific support services, please send an email to [email protected] to ensure the most appropriate level of accommodation is received based on your specific needs. Please include your full name, reservation code, and phone number in the email.