Booking a flight
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Booking a flight
We know what you are about to ask and we have you covered.
Do you sell gift cards or vouchers?
Swoop does not currently sell gift cards or vouchers. Alternatively, you can purchase a trip for someone as a swooper present! Be sure to check out our term...
Do you have a frequent flyer rewards program?
We're flattered you love to fly with us! Swoop currently does not have a frequent flyer rewards program, but check back soon.
Do you accept WestJet dollars or credit?
Although we love our parent company WestJet, we do not accept WestJet dollars or credits. We operate as separate companies with no crossover and like to m...
When is your new schedule released?
Typically we release our upcoming flight schedules twice a year with Winter and Summer schedules. These announcements are made in January or February a...
How do I book a flight if I have no last name or one legal name?
If you only have one legal name (given or surname), enter your legal name in the Last Name field and the letters "LNU" in the First Name field...
Why does my receipt show more bags or seats than I purchased? Was I charged twice?
Baggage and seats are charged each direction of your trip. They can be added to each leg of your flight independently. If you chose one bag (or seat) for bo...
Why does the pricing calendar show a different price than the flight page?
There could be two possible reasons for this: 1. You are booking a group or more than one person We may have one fare left at the calendar price, but...
I'm having issues booking my 11 year old who turns 12 during the trip. Help!
The ages of passengers can only be entered once per booking. This may cause you to see an error when trying to book a passenger who has a birthday on your t...